Should you Stock Up Before a Storm?
Before every storm, the TV news shows people running to the grocery store to empty the shelves. Should you go, too? When I was living with my parents right after college, the power went out for three days. The good news is that their house had a fireplace. The bad news: being hoarders, my parents had too much junk around the fireplace to use it. Being a child of hoarders, I was well-conditioned to leave the hoard alone. We shivered. But it doesn't have to be that way. If your household is well-prepared, you shouldn't need run out and get supplies or suffer in a house that only feels like a meat locker. Since an emergency like a power outage can happen anytime, so it pays to be prepared. Here's what I keep at home: Meat in the freezer . (Much more filling and nutritious than the bread and milk everyone runs out to buy.) I stack the packages vertically, like books on a shelf, making it easier to get them out. Canned goods (and hand-operated can openers). A kerose...