Should You Make your Life Harder?
The answer to this should be obvious...and yet people constantly make their lives harder than they need to be. Maybe it's America's Protestant origins, maybe there was some natural selection for industriousness during the neolithic era, but whatever the cause, the lives of other people (not mine) could be a lot easier. The best things in my life didn't require long hours grinding away at dull, hard work. In fact, the dull, hard work offered few rewards. I spent four and a half miserable years in engineering school only to graduate and find the market was flooded with mechanical engineers. My school advised...more school. Which I went in for--and amazingly, it didn't create a job opening. I finally switched to admin work--which didn't even require a college degree--and finally enjoyed a steady paycheck. I traded my arduous diet and exercise regime for a low-carb diet and lost 20 pounds and a gaggle of health problems. I sold my ridiculously overpriced house in Den...